Bienvenido a nuestro sitio web. Para acceder a información adaptada a sus necesidades, le rogamos que confirme lo siguiente:

Su país de residencia u operación

Su clase de inversor

This site is intended only for financial advisers / professionals and qualified / professional investors (“institutional investors”). Aquila Asset Management offers a variety of products and services intended solely for qualified investors from certain countries or regions. Your country of legal residence will determine the products or services that are available to you. Information herein has not been submitted to or approved by the securities regulatory authority of any state or jurisdiction and directed only at recipients who are institutional investors, such as eligible counterparties or professional investors as defined by applicable jurisdictional regulations and standards. Materials and information available on this site should not be considered a solicitation or offering for sale of any investment product or service to any person in any jurisdiction where such solicitation or offer would be unlawful or prohibited. Furthermore, this information is not intended for use in any jurisdiction which would subject Aquila Asset Management to any registration, licensing or other authorization requirement within such jurisdiction or country. It is the responsibility of the recipient to inform themselves and observe applicable regulations and restrictions for their respective jurisdiction(s). Information herein does not target nor is intended for individuals and/or entities deemed to be U.S. Persons. The offer and sale of securities in the United States is strictly forbidden except pursuant to an exemption from registration. Please refer to the terms and conditions for the definition of U.S. Persons. Information herein is not intended for retail investors and/or distribution to the general public in any jurisdiction.

That you:

  1. are a U.S. Financial Professional servicing or acting on behalf of non-U.S. persons. For the purposes of this website, Financial Professionals are Financial Advisors, insurance companies, asset managers, discretionary wealth managers, banks and other authorized intermediaries or, an Institutional / Professional Investor as defined by applicable local standards and requirements for the jurisdiction you reside;
  2. have read the terms and conditions for accessing this site; and
  3. have read the privacy policy which provides information on our handling of personal data

Que usted

  1. es un inversor profesional que no es un ciudadano estadounidense (“US Person”)
  2. ha leído la política de privacidad que proporciona información sobre nuestro tratamiento de los datos personales

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